Why You Should Use The Splayed Shooting Position in Woodsball Paintball

DangerMan shooting from a splayed shooting position aka a reclined hero's pose

Courtesy DangerMan’s Lair | Digital Paintball Magazine

Preface to Understand the Splayed Shooting Position Beginner paintballers learn quick, paintball is a game of angles. It’s about exposure. And new paintballers do something established paintballers lose sight of, they see and exploit shooting at the smallest body part that is exposed while in cover. Trees. The Best Cover In Woodsball Most of us […]

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How Much Does It Cost To Play Paintball?

First-time paintballers want to know the real cost of paintball. When you first start, you pay for rental and paint. All inclusive to a degree – your package includes ‘some’ paint. But in truth you’ll need to spend a little more. We break it down hard. Get the true average prices to play a FULL DAY of paintball. We even take you beyond cost when you are done renting.

The post How Much Does It Cost To Play Paintball? appeared first on Learn Paintball.

The Definitive Mechanical Paintball Guide 2019

Mechanical Markers Make A Comeback

The Definitive Mechanical Paintball Guide 2019 (DL) — Mechanical or Classic Paintball; once considered a decade ago lost in the woods on any given Rec Ball Sunday, has made its way back to being at the forefront of the sport. It’s even become so popular, it has inspired manufacturers to create new technology made solely […]

The post The Definitive Mechanical Paintball Guide 2019 appeared first on DangerMan’s Lair – Paintball Instruction From The Woodsball Legend.