Peacock has unveiled the first trailer for its upcoming original series, Hysteria!, offering a thrilling and eerie glimpse into the dark world of the 1980s “Satanic Panic.” The series, set to premiere on the streaming platform later this fall, explores the hysteria that gripped a small Midwestern town when rumors of occult practices and devil …
Having a chance to dive into the first two episodes of the upcoming Freeform thriller series “Cruel Summer” premiering April 20th, we are already on the edge of our seats to find out just how this dark and twisty series will pan out! The series, which is set in the early 1990s, specifically 1993, 1994, and 1995, follows the story of the abduction of a popular teenage high school student and the possible involvement of one of her peers. And if you think for one second that you have any idea what is going on, guess again, as this series promises to be anything but predictable. It is impossible to say much of anything else about the plot of the series, as “Cruel Summer” is definitely a series that you want to remain as spoiler-free as possible. What we can say is that we see the character of Jeanette Turner, played exquisitely by actress Chiara Aurelia, endure some pretty dramatic personal transformations over the course of this three-year time period, which we happen to tune in upon on her birthday …