School Expels A 4 Year Old After Mother’s Facebook Post


(PCM) Just one more way that expression on social media can get people into to trouble! A Florida woman has gotten her son expelled from his pre-school over a post that she made on her Facebook wall criticizing the school’s handling of an issue.

Ashley Habat got into a disagreement with the school over their scheduling of “picture day” claiming that parents are not given enough notification, however the school claims that a notice was sent home with her 4 year old son Will about a week prior.

Habat took to Facebook to vent about the incident in a post that read ““Why is it that every single day there is something new I dislike about Will’s School?… Full Story

The post School Expels A 4 Year Old After Mother’s Facebook Post also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Katy Perry Wants to “Make Roar Happen” in This New PSA

KatyPerry(PCM) Pop superstar Katy Perry is doing her part to help the educators of America; the singer has teamed up with Staples to raise money for underfunded classrooms across the country.

Staples, who joined up with Perry in their pursuit of providing better funding for our country’s teachers, has committed to donating $1 million to to enable teachers to buy the supplies they need to make the school year a great one for every student.

Kate Perry and the office supply chain are encouraging everyone to join in by donating to to raise as much money as possible in addition to the $1 million already being donated.… Full Story

The post Katy Perry Wants to “Make Roar Happen” in This New PSA also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.