Groundhogs, Saints, and Bonfires: February Festivals of Spring

(PCM) By the time February rolls in, many of us here in the northern hemisphere are tired of snow, and cold, and scraping our cars off every morning. We’ll be waiting with frosted breath to find out if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow – will spring make an early entrance, or are we condemned to…

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Leap Day Coming February 29 in 2024

February 29 in Pop Culture History February 29th is… Bachelors Day has its roots in an old Irish legend involving Saint Bridget and Saint Patrick. According to the legend, Saint Bridget complained to Saint Patrick about the unequal power distribution between men and women when choosing a partner for marriage. In response, Saint Patrick supposedly […]

February 28 in History

February 28 in Pop Culture History February 28th is… Car Keys and Small Change Day is celebrated on February 28th each year and is an occasion to recognize the practical utility of pockets. Pockets have been a part of clothing for centuries, providing a convenient place to store small items like car keys, coins, and […]

February 27 in History

February 27 in Pop Culture History February 27th is… Anosmia Awareness Day is a day to raise awareness about anosmia, a medical condition characterized by a total or partial lack of smell. Many factors, including viral infections, head injuries, and age-related deterioration, can cause anosmia. One of the most well-known effects of anosmia is the […]

February 26 in History

February 26 in Pop Culture History February 26th is… Carnival Day: Officially February 26, a celebration that takes place over a few days, typically leading up to Lent, which occurs in February or March. As Lent traditionally involves fasting, and abstaining from certain foods and drinks, the Carnival serves as an occasion to indulge in […]

February 25 in History

February 25 in Pop Culture History February 25th is… National Chocolate-Covered Nut Day and Chocolate-Covered Peanut Butter Day: A day to celebrate the delicious combination of chocolate and nuts in all its forms. Clam Chowder Day celebrates the traditional New England-style chowder, a hearty soup made from clams, potatoes, onions, and cream. The origins of […]

February 24 in History

February 24 in Pop Culture History February 24th is… Bartender Day is observed annually on February 24th as a celebration of bartenders, one of the world’s oldest professions. On this day, bartenders showcase their unique skills and creations. Although the role of a bartender might seem modern, the profession has a long history, dating back […]

February 23 in History

February 23 in Pop Culture History February 23rd is… National Banana Bread Day celebrates the popular baked good made with ripe bananas, flour, sugar, and eggs. The origin of this holiday is not clear but it is a day to bake, eat, and enjoy banana bread. Curling is Cool Day observed to celebrate the sport and […]

February 22 in History

February 22 in Pop Culture History February 22nd is… Be Humble Day was created to encourage people to reflect on their attitudes and actions and to promote humility and self-awareness in their daily lives. Humility is often considered a desirable trait, as it can help people to be more open-minded, empathetic, and grounded in their […]

February 21 in History

February 21 in Pop Culture History February 21st is… Card Reading Day: A day to celebrate the art and practice of card reading, including tarot and oracle cards. Grain-free Day is a holiday dedicated to raising awareness and supporting individuals with dietary restrictions related to grains. The day’s focus is to encourage the exploration of […]

February 20 in History

February 20 in Pop Culture History February 20th is… National Cherry Pie Day: Cherry pie is often considered an “American thing” because it has been a staple of American cuisine for centuries and is often associated with American culture and tradition. The popularity of cherry pie in the United States can be traced back to […]

February 19 in History

February 19 in Pop Culture History February 19th is… Arabian Horse Day: The Arabian horse, also known as the Arab, is known for its distinctive head shape, intelligence, loyalty and speed. It is believed that the breed originated in Arabia over 4,500 years ago and was later imported to Europe in the Middle Ages. Boston […]