The How Of Pooh

Winnie the Pooh will turn 100 years old in 2025.  It was on Christmas Eve 1925 that he made his first appearance in The London Evening News in a short story titled The Wrong Sort of Bees.  In 1926 a collection of short stories was published simply titled Winnie The Pooh and the legends began. […]

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5 Reasons You Should Add Acai To Your Smoothie

5 Reasons You Should Add Acai To Your Smoothie Acai is more than a buzzword. Here are  5 reasons why you should be getting on board with this hip fruit. You’ve probably seen it on your Instagram feed – deep purple smoothie bowls covered in technicolor tropical fruits and juices touting “superfood” benefits. That deep […]

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Food Myths: Fact Or Fiction?

(PCM) Growing up we are nearly certain that at one time or another you have probably come across quite a few interesting food myths over the years. Many of which hold a bit of truth, while others are simply off the wall. We are here to help set the record straight about some of the most common […]

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What Ever Happened To The Original ‘Dunkin’ Donut’ ?

(PCM) Over the years there has certainly been some drastic changes in Dunkin’ Donut stores all over the country. The most notable change, and one that stirred up the most controversy, was when the news was revealed that Dunkin’ Donuts was planning on removing the word “Donuts” from it’s name. We know that they offer […]

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Official Avengers Recipes Just In Time For ‘Infinity War’ Release

(PCM) Powerful news for families fighting the good fight of nutrition in the home: Super Hero help is here. Black Panther, Captain America, Black Widow and other Avengers have teamed-up to help moms, dads and all citizens win more of their daily battles to adopt a healthier lifestyle including a diet rich in fresh fruits and […]

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Popcornopolis Organic Nearly Naked Popcorn Is Our New Favorite Snack!

(PCM) What could be better than discovering a fantastic snack that is not only delicious but actually healthy as well! We hit the jackpot when we sampled Popcornopolis’s new Organic Nearly Naked Popcorn! We seriously couldn’t keep our hands out the bag! The taste was incredibly reminiscent of those old school home popcorn makers that […]

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Happy Chocolate-Covered Anything Day! (December 16)

(PCM) The winter season is supposed to be about joy and reflection, but all too often it’s a time of stress. Are you behind on your holiday shopping? Are you juggling family drama or work worries? By December 16th the countdown towards Christmas and years’ end is well underway, and many of us feel like […]

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Gingerbread Decorating Day 2nd Saturday in December

(PCM) Gingerbread!  The very thought of it brings to mind the scents of cinnamon, cloves, allspice and let’s not forget ginger.  Gingerbread is part of our culture.  We, of course use it as food, but it plays a part in stories such as The Ginger Bread Man and Hansel and Gretel.  We see it in […]

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