Philadelphia Families Gear Up to Race for Children and Adults With Autism

Caring Families Race for Autism Cares Foundation’s Race for Resources on Saturday, November, 3 at picturesque Bucks County (PA) Community College   Being the mother of a child with autism is often both a great joy and a tremendous challenge. Just ask Linda Kuepper and Jacqui Makowski, the loving mothers of sons with autism, who know how vital the right support […]

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Proven Methods to Boost Self-Discipline for Better Health

Proven Methods to Boost Self-Discipline for Better Health Today’s modern world is absolutely bursting with temptations coming at you, left, right and centre. From food to drinks, technology, and much more; the list is endless, but research illustrates that people who show self-discipline are the happier of the two types of people in this world. […]

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Sarah Jane “Salty” Sands Ferguson is in A League of Her Own

Inspiring Professional Girls Baseball Player Helps Girls and Young Women Follow Their Life Passion Growing up in small-town Orangeville, Pennsylvania, Sarah Jane “Salty” Sands Ferguson was an avid baseball fan who fondly remembers attending her first game at the tender age of four.Ferguson was instantly smitten and vowed to become a pro baseball player, not […]

Shaving Myths Debunked!

(PCM) As we quickly approach the summer season, many women (and men too) find themselves thinking about unwanted hair and whether or not shaving is the best option. There are other options out there such as waxing, laser hair removal and more, however shaving is usually the go to method for getting rid of unwanted […]

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Popcornopolis Organic Nearly Naked Popcorn Is Our New Favorite Snack!

(PCM) What could be better than discovering a fantastic snack that is not only delicious but actually healthy as well! We hit the jackpot when we sampled Popcornopolis’s new Organic Nearly Naked Popcorn! We seriously couldn’t keep our hands out the bag! The taste was incredibly reminiscent of those old school home popcorn makers that […]

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A Brief History Of The March Of Dimes Organization

(PCM) Back in the year of 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, often referred to as FDR, founded an organization which was then called the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The foundation’s mission was to find a cure for polio, which FDR contracted. The foundation immediately gained intense popularity, mostly due to its’ founder and the nations’ support […]

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Jane Diamond’s Dazzling Road to Heath, Wellness, and Success

Health and Wellness Coach Helps Clients Find Their Passion, Grit and Determination to Foster Healthier Minds and Bodies When you listen to Jane Diamond’s story you immediately understand that if you follow her lead you can use perseverance, grit, and passion to change the world for yourself and your loved ones. Diamond, who grew up […]

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The Negative Effects Of Drinking From Plastic Bottles

(PCM) New research out of the University of Kansas has found a link between BPA, a chemical found in plastic to the occurrence of migraines, with especially worse symptoms found in women. The researchers say that 90% of the population already have some levels of BPA in their systems. The researchers used rats, who were […]

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Gingerbread Decorating Day 2nd Saturday in December

(PCM) Gingerbread!  The very thought of it brings to mind the scents of cinnamon, cloves, allspice and let’s not forget ginger.  Gingerbread is part of our culture.  We, of course use it as food, but it plays a part in stories such as The Ginger Bread Man and Hansel and Gretel.  We see it in […]

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Why It’s Perfectly Safe To Sometimes Ignore That Sell-By Date

(PCM) Each and every year American’s will throw away an estimated $160 billion dollars worth of perfectly good food when they believe it is expired based upon the sell-by date printed on the container. There is a big difference between the sell-by date and/or expiration date printed on the packages and the actual time frame […]

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What Does 80/20 Ground Beef Really Mean?

Do you know what you’re really getting when it comes to your ground beef? Many people make the mistake of thinking 80/20 ground beef means that only 20 percent of the calories come from fat. However, that’s not the case. There’s actually way more fat in that burger than you thought! The 80/20 percentage refers […]

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