The Truth About Why Turkey Makes You Tired

(PCM) One of the top complaints from people after a big Thanksgiving celebration is how tired they feel after consuming such a large and hearty meal. Most people blame the sleepiness on everyone’s favorite Thanksgiving food choice… the turkey. People believed that the amino acid tryptophan found in turkey was attributed to a tired or […]

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Dishes, Sides, and Desserts to Avoid this Thanksgiving

The average person eats 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving!  If you’re trying to lose weight, or simply stay on track this holiday season, you’ll want to avoid the dishes with the most calories, fat and sugar. But remember – it’s all about moderation! You can have your favorites – even the offenders […]

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Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs this Holiday Travel Season

With the country headed towards a peak travel period for the holiday season, bed bug prevention is on everyone’s mind – at least it should be! Just because you’re not staying at some run down motel doesn’t mean you’re safe from the pesky little critters (Even Simon Cowell’s ‘X-Factor’ contestants got bed bugs!! And we […]

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8 Tips for Eating Well While Dining Out

Eating out at a restaurant doesn’t have to mean you’re cheating on your diet or forgoing your health. In fact, you can still stay on track when you’re eating out. How would anyone survive otherwise? Eating out – whether it’s on the go or sitting down with friends – is a part of life, and […]

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The Dangers Of Sleep Deprivation

(PCM) Everyone knows that getting anywhere from six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each and every night is ideal, however with most of us keeping insanely busy schedules and working long hours, handing over six to eight hours to rest can be next to impossible. A lot of times we forget that we need […]

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Flu Facts! A Look The Odd, Scary and Interesting History Of The Virus!

(PCM) Even mentioning the word flu can send waves of fear through people and send them heading straight underneath the covers or to the nearest health clinic for a vaccination. There are many different strains of the flu virus. Some are relatively mild, while others can lead to more serious health complications including pneumonia and […]

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Medicated Society: Are We Too Dependent On Prescription Drugs?

(PCM) It sometimes seems that everywhere we look these days we are being shown some kind of advertising urging us to purchase various products and explaining to us just how these particular products will better our lives. One of the major players in this advertising game is the pharmaceutical industry. You can not look through […]

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Is Slim Fast The Right Diet For You? A Look At The Pros And Cons

(PCM) Slim Fast is one of the oldest and most trusted diet programs on the market. The company initially began selling their meal replacement shakes back in 1977, however the FDA did hesitate a bit before allowing the company to move forward. It took about two years for the Slim Fast company to really gain […]

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Doctors Alarmed By New Trend Of Snorting Chocolate To Get High

(PCM) Doctors are warning people to stay far away from the new trend of snorting chocolate as a way to get high. The trend became very popular in Europe over the last few years and is now slowly making its’ way into the States. There is a new “snorting” cacao powder on the market which […]

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Could Some Chronic Diseases Be Linked To Your Birth Month? Science Says Yes!

(PCM) Some of us are big followers of astrology and others not so much, but did you know that according to some recently conducted research your birth month could be linked to certain chronic diseases, putting you at a potentially higher risk. The research study was recently published in Science Direct via the Medicina Clinica […]

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Doctors Warn About Dangers Of Using Coca-Cola As Self-Tanner

(PCM) One of the latest summer beauty trends that is making the rounds is using Coca-Cola (yes, the beverage) as a self-tanner. People will seemingly try just about anything when attempting to get a nice golden glow, however doctors warn that using Coca-Cola as a self-tanning oil can pose some serious health risks and cause […]

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Women! Please Do Not Put A Wasp Nest Any Where Near Your Private Parts!

(PCM) We truly feel like this is a sentence we should never have to write, but please, ladies, stop putting wasps nests in your vaginas! This should really go without saying, however a new trend is picking up that urges women to place ground up wasps nests into their va jay jay’s as a way […]

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