Eighteen People Allegedly Exposed To An Incurable Disease In North Carolina

(PCM) Any type of surgical procedure can be nerve-wracking to many individuals, but we put our trust in the doctors and surgeons performing the procedure to do their very best work and provide us with the best care possible. That is why this recent incident out a of a North … Continue reading

The post Eighteen People Allegedly Exposed To An Incurable Disease In North Carolina also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

The O-Shot May Improve Sexual Satisfaction For Women

(PCM)  Using growth factors derived from a woman’s own blood, physician researchers Drs. Samuel Wood and Charles Runels have developed a simple, office-based procedure that appears to markedly improve the quality of a woman’s sexual response called the O-Shot™ The procedure which will involve an injection of platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) into a … Continue reading

The post The O-Shot May Improve Sexual Satisfaction For Women also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Freezing Cold? No Worries! New Study Shows Shivering May Count As Exercise

(PCM) Throughout most of the country we have been dealing with freezing cold temperatures, snow, and all kinds of nasty weather conditions this winter, however a new study shows that all that shivering may indeed have some health benefits. According to new research, shivering triggers a response in muscles that … Continue reading

The post Freezing Cold? No Worries! New Study Shows Shivering May Count As Exercise also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

CVS Announces Plans To Stop Selling Tobacco Products

(PCM) CVS Caremark has just revealed plans to begin phasing out the sale of tobacco products from their nearly 7,600 stores across the country. The company reveals that the phase out ,which will include cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco, will cost the company about $2 billion dollars in revenue, but … Continue reading

The post CVS Announces Plans To Stop Selling Tobacco Products also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Porn Film Industry Pulls Out of Los Angeles

(PCM) Last November, Los Angeles County voted to make condom use mandatory when making porn videos. In a typical year, about 500 adult film application permits are requested and only two as of late April 2013. Of course ‘amateur’ porn isn’t licensed or regulated, but the professional stars, as an industry, were against ‘Measure B’… Read More