5 Staves of A Christmas Carol. Day Five Stave Five or The End of It. JRR Tolkien wrote in The Hobbit, “ Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to hear are soon told about, and not much to listen too; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may […]
Tag: Interesting
5 Staves 5 Days of A Christmas Carol. Day Four
5 Staves 5 Days of A Christmas Carol. Day Four The Last of the Spirits. The last stroke of midnight had ceased to vibrate, and there appeared before Scrooge a figure “shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, face, and form, and left nothing visible save one outstretched hand. If the hand […]
5 Staves of A Christmas Carol Day Three
5 Staves of A Christmas Carol Day Three The Second of The Three Spirits or Stave Three, begins with Scrooge waking up and without even hearing the sound of the clock, he knows it is the hour of one. The bell strikes one… and nothing happens. If you ever have done something wrong at school […]
5 Staves Of A Christmas Day Two
5 Staves Of A Christmas Day Two Stave Two of A Christmas Carol is titled “The First of the Three Spirits. When the Stave opens, we find Scrooge in bed. He wakens to the sound of the clock striking 12. He is bewildered by this as he knows it was after two when he went […]
Happy Singles Awareness Day (February 15th)
(PCM) Forget all the hearts and flowers stuff. Valentine’s Day is yesterday’s news. Today is Singles Awareness Day! Singles Awareness Day (February 15th) was initially created in response to the famous saintly holiday celebrated the day before. As with most modern holidays, many people see Valentine’s Day as a marketing showcase of saccharine-sweet romantic notions […]
5 Staves of A Christmas Carol. Day One
5 Staves of A Christmas Carol. Day One “Marley was dead, to begin with.” These six words may be, at least, one of the most famous lines in all of literature. In 1843 Charles Dickens was short on funds. In order to help himself make the money he needed, he came up with the idea […]
First Day of Winter December 21
Winter means many things different people. For some it is the best season of the year. The thoughts of snow and cold, ice and winds bring smiles to many a face. For others those same thoughts bring a feeling of melancholy. The cold weather and the short days, as well as the snow and ice […]
Celebrate Short Fiction – December 21st
(PCM) Does life imitate art? If the sales of fiction for our e-readers, smart phones and – oh yeah, books – tell us anything, it’s that it might be the other way around: life in the information age moves fast, and art (including literature) needs to keep up. In recent years, short fiction has become […]
Thanksgiving is The Fourth Thursday in November
Thanksgiving is The Fourth Thursday in November The United States of America was the first nation in the world to proclaim a national holiday for giving thanks, but it may not have happened the way you think it did. It did start with the Pilgrims. Some of the first settler in the “New World” we …
Homemade Bread Day 11/17
Bake Bread/ Break Bread: November 17th is Homemade Bread Day (PCM) According to the interwebs, November 17th is Homemade Bread Day. It’s not clear why this day, in particular, has been set aside to celebrate home bread baking, but it might have something to do with Thanksgiving being just around the corner. All over the …
‘The Hands Resist Him By Bill Stoneham: Haunted Painting Or Urban Legend?
(PCM) Many individuals feel that the 1972 painting “The Hands Resist Him” by artist Bill Stoneham carries a curse. Many strange occurrences are rumored to have taken place by those who have viewed the painting and even more so for those who have actually had the painting in their possession. Some say that these occurrences could …
‘The Hands Resist Him By Bill Stoneham: Haunted Painting Or Urban Legend? Read More »