June 7 in History

June 7 in Pop Culture History June 7th is… National (Daniel) Boone Day Chocolate Ice Cream Day National Oklahoma Day National VCR Day World Caring Day 1692 (Earthquake) Port Royal, Jamaica, over 1,000 people were killed. 1753 – The British Museum was founded, starting the collections of Sir Hans Sloane. 1755 (Earthquake) Tabriz, Iran 1893 […]

June 6 in History

June 6 in Pop Culture History June 6th is… Applesauce Cake Day D-Day Drive-In Movie Day Eyewear Day Gardening Exercise Day Give a Bum a Drink Day National Higher Education Day National Yo-Yo Day 1844 – The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) was founded in London. 1882 (Cyclone) More than 100,000 people in Bombay, India […]

June 5 in History

June 5 in Pop Culture History June 5th is… 605 Day (in South Dakota) Gingerbread Day Moonshine Day National Veggie Burger Day 1851 – Harriet Beecher Stowe’s anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (or Life Among the Lowly) began a ten-month run in the National Era, an abolitionist newspaper. 1883 – The first regularly scheduled Orient […]

June 4 in History

June 4 in Pop Culture History June 4th is… Cheese Day Clean Beauty Day Cognac Day Corgi Day Hug Your Cat Day National Old Maid’s Day National SAFE Day 1784 – Elisabeth Thible was the first woman to fly in an untethered hot air balloon, flying for about 45 minutes. 1812 – Following Louisiana’s admittance […]

June 3 in History

June 3 in Pop Culture History June 3rd is… 603 Day (in New Hampshire) Chocolate Macaroons Day Egg Day National Repeat Day National Repeat Day 1621 – The Dutch West India Company received a charter for New Netherland (now eastern US) and the Caribbean. 1888 – The poem Casey at the Bat by Ernest Lawrence […]

June 2 in History

June 2 in Pop Culture History June 2nd is… National Bubba Day Greyhound Day National Leave The Office Early Day (if on a weekend, it is on closest working week day) Rocky Road Day Rotisserie Chicken Day 455 – The Sack of Rome: Vandals entered Rome, and plundered the city for several weeks. 1098 – […]

June 1 in History

June 1 in Pop Culture History June 1st is… Go Barefoot Day Hazelnut Cake Day Heimlich Maneuver Day World Milk Day Nail Polish Day Olive Day Penpal Day Say Something Nice Day World Reef Awareness Day 495 – John Cor made a note referring to the first known batch of Scotch whisky. 1813 – James […]