Sammi’s Favorite Things: Comfort TV Channels

Do you need some comfort TV in these uncertain times? Several channels, including LAFF TV and Antenna TV offer old school shows that bring us back to simpler times. Check it out below:   Laff – The country’s first-ever, over-the-air broadcast television network (from E.W. Scripps) is devoted to comedy around-the-clock, Laff specializes in comedy programming, […]

Laff Network Drops Roseanne From Lineup

ATLANTA, May 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — While we believe viewers have always distinguished the personal behavior of the actress Roseanne Barr from the television character Roseanne Conner, we are disgusted by Barr’s comments this week. Therefore, we are removing the original Roseanne series from the Laff schedule for the time being, effective immediately. Laff, the country’s… Read More

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