Does ‘Genesis 1: A Poppy Graphic Novel’ Shed Some Light On The Enigma Of Poppy?

Many of you are most likely familiar with the enigmatic android-like persona that is musician Poppy. Undoubtedly, you were left curious like most of us attempting to figure out her story and the origins behind the repetitive “I am Poppy” and just what it all means and just how Poppy became such an internet phenomenon. “Is she a girl? Is she a machine? Is she humanity’s redemption, or its damnation? Don’t be scared — either way, she is Poppy…and you love Poppy.” Recently, we were thrilled to come across the graphic novel “Genesis 1: A Poppy Graphic Novel”published by Z2 Comics ,authored by Poppy, herself, along with Titantic Sinclair and Ryan Cady and illustrated by artists Ian McGinty and MinoMiyabi that attempts to shed some much-needed light into Poppy’s origins, motivations and more. “Genesis One: A Poppy Graphic Novel” is a must-read for all Poppy fans, as well as, others who are looking for a deeply fascinating and engrossing spiritual sci-fi journey. Another amazing aspect tied to this graphic novel is that it is bundled with a brand-new album from …

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