Mystery Of The South Carolina ‘Nightmare House’ Is Unraveled

(PCM) We recently shared the story about the mysterious South Carolina Zillow listing for a home that was being dubbed the “nightmare house” due to the fact that no one was supposed to ask questions about the secret tenant that resided in home’s upstairs apartment. This led to much speculation with some wondering if the… Read More

The post Mystery Of The South Carolina ‘Nightmare House’ Is Unraveled appeared first on Weird But True News.

21 Home Maintenance Checklist Items for Springtime

Your home is a huge component of both your emotional and financial well-being. While maintaining it can take a lot of ongoing work, money, and time, doing so will prevent major headaches down the road. Like a machine, a home operates in conjunction with the seasons. Fall might require more leaf raking while winter needs […]

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Five Mistakes You Should Never Make as a Landlord

5 Mistakes You Should Never Make as a Landlord Being a landlord has its serious perks. If you own the rental property, than you have a pretty great financial investment. If you were hired on as a landlord for an apartment complex, then you might be living rent-free or at a discounted rate. Either way, […]

The post Five Mistakes You Should Never Make as a Landlord appeared first on PCM Lifestyle.

Mystery Of The South Carolina ‘Nightmare House’ Is Unraveled

(PCM) We recently shared the story about the mysterious South Carolina Zillow listing for a home that was being dubbed the “nightmare house” due to the fact that no one was supposed to ask questions about the secret tenant that resided in …

Mysterious Zillow Listing For South Carolina ‘Nightmare House’ Leaves Everyone Wondering!

(PCM) A Zillow listing for a home in Cayce, South Carolina has everyone talking after it was shared via Twitter by user @valhallabckgirl who called it a “nightmare house” and after looking at the listing we can certainly see what she means! It really does look like something straight out of a horror film. The listing […]

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