Man Impersonates His Own Father To Break The News Of His Death To Get Out Of Wedding


(PCM) 23 year old Alex Lanchester of the U.K. met her fiance Tucker Blandford while they were both attending the University of Connecticut back in 2012. The pair dated throughout college and were set to become husband and wife this August, until Blandford decided he wanted to fake his own death to back out of the upcoming nuptials.

Blandford had proposed to Lanchester right after college before she returned Britain. Lanchester accepted his proposal and claims that she purchased a hand-made wedding gown online, paid for the bridesmaid dresses and took care of all the other necessary wedding day details. Blandford told her that he had taken care of booking the venue, which was supposed to be at the college campus where the pair had begun dating.… Full Story

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Nintendo Will Not Allow Gay Characters In Its’ New Game


(PCM) Despite a rather large social media campaign spearheaded by a fan, Nintendo says it will not allow gay characters or same-sex relationships in its’ new game Tomodatchi Life.

The game is a real-life simulation game features a cast of “Mii” characters living on a virtual island. If you recall, a “Mii” is an animated avatar based on actual people. The game will allow users to populate their island with the “Mii characters of family, friends or anyone else you can think of”.

The game is already a huge hit in Japan and is slated for release here in the States this June.… Full Story

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A New Study Has Found That Left-Handed People Have Better Sex!


(PCM) In a recent study that was conducted with about 10,000 participants it was concluded that 86% of left-handed people reported that they were “extremely satisfied” when it came to their sex life. Only a mere 15% of right-handed people reported that they are “extremely satisfied”.

With the results of the study in mind, Swedish intimate lifestyle company LELO, had designed a new sex toy just for left-handed individuals. The new toy named “DEXTRUS” is designed to stimulate the right side of the brain, so while increasing sexual pleasure, it is claimed that the new toy can also make you smarter.… Full Story

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Millionaire Couple Charged With Welfare Fraud

(PCM) A millionaire Minnesota couple, Colin Chisholm III and his wife Andrea Chisholm, who were residing on a luxury yacht in South Florida are wanted for alleged welfare fraud and are now on the run. The couple has accepted over $165,000 in public assistance between the years of 2005 and 2012 … Continue reading

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Out With The Purity Rings And In With The Purity Balls

(PCM) Purity Balls are part of the new father-daughter chastity trend that is currently sweeping the nation. During the “Purity Balls” a father essentially becomes his daughters boyfriend until marriage in order to protect her purity and virginity. The ceremony, which happens to be very much like a marriage ceremony, … Continue reading

The post Out With The Purity Rings And In With The Purity Balls also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Man Given Six Months To Live Makes His Wife’s Dreams Come True

(PCM) This is a truly heartbreaking story that in the end truly explores the uplifting message of the importance of living each day to the fullest and as if it could be your last. 26-year old Chris Price was diagnosed with cancer in his liver and lungs and was told … Continue reading

The post Man Given Six Months To Live Makes His Wife’s Dreams Come True also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Facebook List of New Gender Options

(PCM) Facebook has allowed it’s users several dozen new options when it comes to gender. Now in addition to your birthday, job, hobbies, schooling, interests and current location, you have the option of telling the world your very most specific, personal orientation. Your very own fine-tuned gender. The gender-identifying terms … Continue reading

The post Facebook List of New Gender Options also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift Guide…Without Breaking The Bank

(PCM) It is the time of year again for hearts, flowers, chocolates and of course love. As you gear up to celebrate Valentine’s Day with that special someone in your life, you may be having some trouble trying to come up with that perfect gift to show them just how … Continue reading

The post The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift Guide…Without Breaking The Bank also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

The O-Shot May Improve Sexual Satisfaction For Women

(PCM)  Using growth factors derived from a woman’s own blood, physician researchers Drs. Samuel Wood and Charles Runels have developed a simple, office-based procedure that appears to markedly improve the quality of a woman’s sexual response called the O-Shot™ The procedure which will involve an injection of platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) into a … Continue reading

The post The O-Shot May Improve Sexual Satisfaction For Women also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.