Heretic, A24’s new horror thriller directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, features Hugh Grant in a darkly captivating role, radically shifting from his typical charming persona to embody Mr. Reed, a disturbing and insidious antagonist. The story follows two Mormon missionaries, played by Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East, who are lured into Reed’s home, …
Tomorrow night will see the season finale of the show Yellowjackets. The show premiered on Showtime in mid November and became a hit. With everything from fans deciphering the opening credits, and fans on Reddit and their conspiracy theories. All this melds together well with a great cast and story. Yellowjackets follows the tale of a successful girls high school soccer team and there descent into madness including cannibalism after a plane crash in the Ontario wilderness. The series also chronicles there modern life, and how their dealing with trauma twenty five years later. The series stars Jasmin Savoy Brown, Sophie Nélisse, Sammi Hanratty, Sophie Thatcher as the teenagers. And Melanie Lynskey, Tawny Cypress, Juliette Lewis, and Christina Ricci star as the adult versions of the teenagers. Showtime has already announced that a season two is on the way. For anyone that is a fan of 90s music, girl power, and a little cannibalism this show is for you. Check out the trailer below and be sure to check out the show: