Raised By Wolves Interview: Travis Fimmel And Niamh Algar Share Details About Their Characters, Motivations And More!

The new HBO Max series Raised By Wolves has just begun streaming and the series is already receiving a ton of praise from both fans and critics alike. The show is truly like nothing we have seen done before within the science fiction genre as it focuses more on the idea of relationships and humanity rather than gadgets and machines. This is definitely due in part to the phenomenal writing by creator Aaron Guzikowski. However, do not for one moment think that this series is not visually spectacular as well thanks to the visionary genius of co-creator Ridley Scott. Raised By Wolves also marks Scott’s first foray into the world of television as he is best known for his work on the infamous films such a Bladerunner and Alien to only name a few! The series focuses on a small group of individuals both android and human who have escaped from the destruction of planet Earth and are faced with a mission to recreate life on a new planet. This obviously leads to quite a bit of conflict between the …

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