What To Watch: 5/9/19

It is Thursday night, and two more days until the weekend. Until then, here is a way to keep busy with all new TV. ABC: Grey’s Anatomy (8pm), Station 19 (9pm), For The People (10pm) CBS: Big Bang Theory (8pm), Young Sheldon  (8:30pm) Mom (9pm), Life In Pieces (9:30pm)and SWAT (10pm). Fox: Paradise Hotel (8pm) […]

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What To Watch 5/2/19

It is Thursday night, one more day until Friday, two until the weekend. Until then, here is a way to keep busy with all new TV. ABC: Grey’s Anatomy (8pm), Station 19 (9pm), For The People (10pm) CBS: Big Bang Theory (8pm), Young Sheldon  (8:30pm) Mom (9pm), Life In Pieces (9:30pm)and SWAT (10pm). Fox: Miss […]

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What To Watch 4/25/19

Thursday night, one more day until Friday, two until the weekend. Until then, here is a way to keep busy with all new TV. ABC: NFL Draft Night 1 (8pm) CBS: Big Bang Theory (8pm), Young Sheldon  (8:30pm) Mom (9pm), Life In Pieces (9:30pm)and SWAT (10pm). Fox: Gotham (8pm) and The Orville (9pm). NBC: Superstore […]

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RuPaul’s Drag Race announces guest judges

VH1 today announced the guest judges set to join Emmy® Award-winning host RuPaul on the upcoming season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars.”  The diverse list of talent from fashion, music, politics and media joining the main stage panel of Michelle Visage, Carson Kressley and Ross Mathews includes Vanessa Hudgens, Tituss Burgess, Kristin Chenoweth, Marc Jacobs,… Read More

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