Incredible Footage Captures A Supercell Storm In Wyoming

(PCM) It is not very often that Wyoming comes in the the headlines, but new footage of an incredible supercell storm system is definitely generating a lot of buzz.

The incredible image was captured by the Basehunters storm chasers group …

Incredible Footage Captures A Supercell Storm In Wyoming was contributed by a Myth

WGAL Roof Cave-in, No Injuries

(PCM) If you tried tuning in to Lancaster County, PA’s WGAL (Channel 8), or heard a loud boom near 1300 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA, on Friday afternoon, you may have noticed that something was awry. Heavy snow made the roof of the NBC affiliate’s studio crash in, and effectly put … Continue reading

The post WGAL Roof Cave-in, No Injuries also appeared on Television News.