A Look At The Most Ridiculous Excuses For Calling In Sick


(PCM) We have all had those days when the desire to call out of work even when we are not really sick have occurred. Sometimes we are looking for some more time to relax and other times there are just too many important errands to run and not enough time in the day.

CareerBuilder.com has compiled a list of some of the most ridiculous and zany excuses that people have given for calling out of work sick.

Topping the list as the most insane excuse for calling out was “I just put a casserole in the oven” … what that has to do with being ill beats us, but we can certainly understand why it nabbed the number one spot.… Full Story

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Delaware Man Files A Lawsuit Over Pink Panties


(PCM) Seems that PCM’s home state of Delaware is good for making some oddball headlines. A Dover man has recently filed a lawsuit stemming from an incident that took place back in 2012 during which he awoke from a surgical procedure to find himself wearing a pair of women’s pink panties.

The man was undergoing a colonoscopy at Delaware Surgery Center in the city of Dover, he also happened to work there at the time and the pink panty incident was a prank set up by his co-workers.

The 32-year old man, by the name of Andrew Walls, claims that he suffered severe emotional distress due to the incident and claims that he lost his job as a result.… Full Story

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Sam’s Club Pulls Potentially Contaminated Baby Wipes From Stores


(PCM) Sam’s Club stores have announced a voluntary recall of its’ Simply Right baby wipes saying that there is a potential possibility that they could be contaminated. Please note that it is not a full on FDA recall on the product.

The company sent out an email to its’ customers that may have purchased the baby wipes which read:

“You are receiving this message because Sam’s Club’s records indicate that you recently purchased Simply Right baby wipes.

The safety of our members and their families is a top priority at Sam’s Club. Our supplier, Nutek Disposables, Inc., has advised us that some Simply Right branded baby wipes offered for sale at Sam’s Clubs beginning June 30th of this year may be contaminated with B.… Full Story

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Apple And Facebook Will Now Assist Employees With Payments To Freeze Eggs


(PCM) It has recently been revealed that major technology companies, Apple and Facebook, have added a new benefit to their female employee’s medical coverage which will now assist them with paying to freeze their eggs.

Because of the high cost that is normally associated with the freezing of a woman’s eggs, many women did not consider it to be an option if they wanted to wait to have children until later in life. With both Facebook and now Apple agreeing to assist their female employees in paying for this option it opens up new choices for women that were not available before.… Full Story

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Is Paintball Safe?

Is Paintball Safe?

Is Paintball Safe?

(PCM) A recent news development (October 12, 2014) surrounding paintball has brought the sport into question once again. AP reported that in HAUSER, Idaho an 18 year old boy was struck by a bus designed with mounted paintball guns to shoot zombies during a fall Halloween themed event/ride.

Thankfully it was clear that nothing about a paintball gun was the cause. Yet for many years this sport has been targeted as unsafe.

Let’s get straight to the facts. It is not unsafe. More injuries in paintball are sports related than any other injury. What does that mean? It means more injuries are twisted ankles to broken bones due to uneven terrain.… Full Story

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Teens Post Dental Surgery Video Goes Viral


(PCM) If you have ever gone through any type of dental procedure we are sure that you can at least sympathize somewhat with the pain and confusion that one teen was going through in the video that has since gone viral.

In the video, a mother filmed her 17-year old son post dental surgery after his wisdom teeth were removed. He hilariously becomes incredibly distraught that Beyonce never showed up after his procedure. Through the tears he proclaims “She promised me she would be here!”.

In a description listed for the video is says that the woman’s son is a World Competitive Hip-Hop dancer and he had just been listening to Beyonce prior to go in for the surgical procedure.… Full Story

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Soda Manufacturers Reveal A Pledge To Cut Calories By 20 Percent


(PCM) Major soda manufacturers Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper and Pepsi have recently revealed a pledge to cut down calories in their famous drinks.

One of the major reasons that health conscious people stay away from a variety of carbonated beverages is due to their incredibly high calorie count.

Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo Inc, and Dr.Pepper Snapple Group Inc. have pledged to consumers that they will cut the calorie count in their beverages by 20 percent by the year 2025. It is the companies goal to assist with the ongoing issues of not only obesity, but both diabetes and heart disease as well.

The pledge was revealed at the 10th annual Clinton Global Initiative in New York.… Full Story

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Russia Plans To Install Park Benches That Double As A Scale


(PCM) We have enough problems with body image as it is now, however there are plans being put into to place is Moscow, Russia to install park benches that would act as a scale, weighing the individuals seated on them.

The idea is still in the proposal phase in Moscow, however a similar idea has already be implemented in the Netherlands with a bench that was installed at at public bus stop.

The proposed Moscow benches would be sponsored by gyms and fitness clubs (of course) in the area and the hope is that by the individual seeing their weight flash on the bench would seek out joining the gym or fitness club featured.… Full Story

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Nationwide Recall On M&M’s


(PCM) There has been a nationwide recall issued on all theater-sized boxed of M&M’s candies. The recall, issued by Mars, Inc. claims that the 3.4 oz boxed that are labeled as milk chocolate original M&M’s may contain a bag with peanut butter M&M’s instead.

The snafu was brought to the attention of Mars Inc. after a customer contacted the company to let them know that a M&M’s brand Milk Chocolate theater box contained at M&M’s brand Peanut Butter package of candies.

Many individuals suffer from severe peanut allergies, however the company claims that thus far there have been no reports of any illness, allergic reactions or side effects due to the mislabeled product.… Full Story

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L.A. Pizza Shop Cooks Up Marijuana-Infusion Pizza Pies


(PCM) A new Los Angeles start-up appropriately called “Stoned Oven Gourmet Pizzas” is currently offering new marijuana-infused pizzas.

For the price of ten dollars for a personal-sized pie, the pizza shop bakes medical marijuana directly into your pie of choice. Rest assured, however the company is not breaking any California state or national laws.

According to the L.A. Times, each six-inch pizza contains 250 mg of ethanol-extracted tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as THC concentrate. THC is the substance found within marijuana that induces the feeling of being high.

The company is currently selling, as well as, delivering the six-inch personal pizzas to medical marijuana dispensaries all around California, they also offer catering.… Full Story

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California City Set To Offer Free Pot To Low-Income Residents


(PCM) Residents in the city of Berkeley, California that qualify as low-income will be offered the chance to receive free marijuana as early as next summer.

The San Francisco news is reporting that the city will require their medical marijuana dispensaries to giveaway two percent of the medical marijuana that they see each year to assist low-income families.

Although they must still have a prescription, if a person earns less that $32,000 per year individually or $46,000 for a family then they will meet the eligibility requirements to receive free marijuana at one of the dispensaries in the city.

It was a unanimous vote from the Berkeley City Council and there are even plans to open a fourth dispensary in the city.… Full Story

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CVS Moves Ahead With Name Change And Stops Tobacco Sales A Month Early


(PCM) It was announced yesterday that CVS executives made the decision to transition the company into both a new name and out of the sale of tobacco/tobacco related products.

About seven or eight months ago the company first revealed their plans for the big change, however those changes were not set to take place until October 1st. There was no specific reason given for the why the switch over has taken place almost a month earlier than expected.

CVS Caremark will now be known as CVS Health and the sale of tobacco products in stores has ceased. It is reported that tobacco sales accounted for nearly 2 billion in annual profits for the company.… Full Story

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