The How Of Pooh

Winnie the Pooh will turn 100 years old in 2025.  It was on Christmas Eve 1925 that he made his first appearance in The London Evening News in a short story titled The Wrong Sort of Bees.  In 1926 a collection of short stories was published simply titled Winnie The Pooh and the legends began. […]

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Today We Learned Winnie The Pooh Is Actually A Girl (Maybe)

(PCM) Yet another one of those great childhood mysteries has been solved with the revelation that the lovable, pantless, honey addict cartoon character Winnie The Pooh is a girl. We can’t say that we’ve truly spent a great deal of time debating Winnie The Pooh’s sexuality, however for some reason we were always under the… Read More

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The Why Of Pooh

At the turn of the 20th Century something strange took place in the world of literature.  A new page was turned, and a new genre born.  The world of Children’s literature came to light.  There had always been stories for children.  Mother Goose was fist published in 1780.  The Brothers Grimm let their Fairy Tales […]

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