FX Networks today announced that its critically acclaimed comedy series Baskets will come to an end with the show’s season four finale on Thursday, August 22 on FX. “Over four seasons, Baskets has taken its place among the great FX comedies as an endearing and hilarious look at the dreams and ambition of ‘Chip Baskets’ and his extended, loving family,” said Eric Schrier, President, FX Entertainment. “This show has been a joy for everyone at FX and we are grateful to Jonathan Krisel, Zach Galifianakis, Louie Anderson, Martha Kelly and the rest of the cast and crew for giving us the gem that is Baskets.” Baskets is executive produced by Jonathan Krisel, Zach Galifianakis, Marc Gurvitz and Andrea Pett-Joseph, and stars Galifianakis, Louie Anderson, Martha Kelly and Alex Morris. It is produced by FX Productions. Season four of Baskets continues Thursdays with the following episodes: Episode 7 – “Housewarming” (Airs August 1, 2019 at 10 p.m. ET/PT) – A carpet emergency interrupts Christine’s wedding plans. Written by Theresa Mulligan Rosenthal; Directed by Jonathan Krisel. Episode 8 – “Grandma’s Day” (Airs August 8, 2019 at 10 p.m. ET/PT) – Chip wants a …
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