Alex Garland’s highly-anticipated television debut, FX’s upcoming limited series Devs premiered its first teaser during a panel discussion today at New York Comic Con featuring Garland, executive producer Allon Reich and cast members Sonoya Mizuno (“Lily”), Jin Ha (“Jamie”), Zach Grenier (“Kenton”), Stephen McKinley Henderson (“Stewart”), Cailee Spaeny (“Lyndon”) and Karl Glusman (“Sergei”). New York Comic Con fans were also treated to a sneak peek at an extended trailer of the series, as well as two pivotal scenes featuring a first look at the mysteries that await viewers inside the Amaya Corporation’s top-secret Devs building. Additionally, FX released three new images from the eight-episode limited series set to debut in Spring 2020. The brand new teaser and images give fans their first glimpse of Nick Offerman as Amaya’s enigmatic CEO, Forest, alongside series lead Sonoya Mizuno. During the panel, which was moderated by TV Guide Magazine’s Damian Holbrook, Garland discussed developing his first project for television: “On a personal level, I thought, ‘maybe television is a better home for me.’ And on a writing level, I wanted the eight hours.” …
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