Woman Obsessed With A Bradley Cooper Cutout?


(PCM) Somehow this story reminded me of a really bad episode of that TV show “My Strange Addiction”!  It seems that 39-year old Danielle Davis, a married woman from New Jersey, has become obsessed with a cardboard cutout of actor Bradley Cooper.

Davis spends 24/7 will the cardboard Cooper. She eats, sleeps, cooks, cleans,and even takes cardboard Cooper out shopping.

The best part is that her family doesn’t seem to mind!  In fact, both her husband and children have posed for pictures with the cutout and are featured in many of the photos that Davis takes of herself with “Cooper” that are featured on her Instagram account.

We have to wonder if this is some kind of elaborate art or photo project, like the woman who was living with a mannequin family. Davis even has a website dedicated to her obsession aptly titled, My Life With Bradley Cooper.

Definitely out there, but in a way kind of interesting!

Woman Obsessed With A Bradley Cooper Cutout? was contributed by a Myth