Dave Brockie a.k.a. Oderus Urungus Of GWAR Gone Too Soon

Gwar1(PCM) It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I report on the passing of GWAR’s  Dave Brockie, best known as his alter ego Oderus Urungus, at the age of 50.

GWAR’s manager Jack Flannigan has released the following statement in regards to Brockies’ passing:

“It is with a saddened heart that I confirm my dear friend Dave Brockie, artist, musician, and lead singer of GWAR, passed away at approximately 6:50 p.m. EST Sunday, March 23, 2014. His body was found Sunday by his bandmate at his home in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond authorities have confirmed his death and next of kin has been notified. A full autopsy will be performed. He was 50 years old, born August 30, 1963.

My main focus right now is to look after my bandmates and his family.

More information regarding his death shall be released as the details are confirmed.”

It took me awhile to even process and want to believe the news, as Dave Brockie was without a doubt one of the absolute greatest heavy metal front-man out there today. Say what you will about GWAR’s music, but at the end of the day Brockie was one hell of an incredible showman. He was an incredibly intelligent, witty, and creative individual and his death is truly a hard hit to the music world, as he will be greatly missed.

I have been attending GWAR concerts since the early nineties and each and every show was truly a memorable experience. A GWAR show was always a one of a kind experience and Davie Brockie was a one of a kind individual. Nothing was ever off limits and much of the pop culture commentary that came forth from both Brockie and the music of GWAR was always hilariously accurate and incredibly tongue-in-cheek.

The news of Brockies’ passing is always the type of news that I had hoped I would never have to report on and as I struggle to find the right words to encompass what Brockies’ passing means to me as a fan and as a journalist, my memory takes me back to the first of many times I have had the pleasure of interviewing the great Oderus Urungus for PCM. It was a hilarious experience and one that I will never forget. I am sharing the most recent interview below:

 Brockie is another one of heavy metal’s finest that was taken from us too soon. Knowing Bockies’ personality I am sure that he would be making some kind of inappropriate joke right now and his mark on the music realm will never be forgotten.

The post Dave Brockie a.k.a. Oderus Urungus Of GWAR Gone Too Soon appeared first on Unskinny Pop.