Full Moon On Friday The 13th

Friggatriskaidekaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition in the United States today. Paraskevidekatriaphobics are people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. It is estimated that this affects between 17 and 21 million Americans. Some people won’t get out of bed; others won’t fly, buy a house…

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Early Apollo Mission Reports Strange Music-Like Noises From The Far Side Of The Moon

(PCM) The popular Science Channel series “NASA’s Unexplained Files” has returned for a new season and provides us with a fascinating look the mysteries of space and the latest evidence for life beyond Earth. The series recently looked at some very early Apollo missions where astronauts reported hearing very strange music-like noises during their journey around to…

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Nostradamus Born on December 14, 1503

Michel de Nostredame (December 14 1503 – 2 July 1566) is usually Latinized to Nostradamus, was a French mystic who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his book Les Propheties (The Prophecies), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the publication of this book,…

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Could The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Finally Be Solved?

(PCM) Some meteorologists say no, however new evidence was discovered claiming that hexagonal clouds which create “air bombs” with up to 170 mph winds may to blame for the dozens of ship and airplane disappearances in the region. The mysterious 500,000km square region in the North Atlantic Ocean has been linked to the strange disappearances of approximately… Read More

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What Really Goes On At Area 51?

(PCM) One of the biggest conspiracy theories out there is just what happens at Area 51, the governments top secret military base located in a remote area of the Nevada desert. Area 51 is a United States Air Force facility and is a remote attachment to the more publicized Edwards Air Force base. Area 51… Read More

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A Search For Answers! What Really Happened In Roswell, New Mexico?

(PCM) A favorite topic among many conspiracy theorists is just what exactly occurred in the town of Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. The incident is one of the most widely speculated stories of government cover-up and to this very day, we still have very little information about what actually occurred. Could the government… Read More

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The Mysterious And Unexplained Disappearance Of Pilot Felix Moncla

(PCM) Was it a UFO,some kind of spontaneous combustion or just a freak accident? These are the questions we have to ask ourselves when delving into the mysterious and unexplained disappearance of United States Air Force Pilot Felix Moncla. It is rumored that Mocla had an encounter with a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) when he… Read More

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Full Moon On Friday The 13th

Friggatriskaidekaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition in the United States today. Paraskevidekatriaphobics are people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. It is estimated that this affects between 17 and 21 million Americans. Some people won’t get out of bed; others won’t fly, buy a house…

The post Full Moon On Friday The 13th appeared first on Weird But True News.

Early Apollo Mission Reports Strange Music-Like Noises From The Far Side Of The Moon

(PCM) The popular Science Channel series “NASA’s Unexplained Files” has returned for a new season and provides us with a fascinating look the mysteries of space and the latest evidence for life beyond Earth. The series recently looked at some very early Apollo missions where astronauts reported hearing very strange music-like noises during their journey around to…

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The Real Meaning Of Foo Fighters

(PCM) Yes, believe it or not, millennials, Foo Fighters are actually a big part of World War II history and not just the epic rock band led by front-man Dave Grohl! The term Foo Fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over…

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Could The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Finally Be Solved?

(PCM) Some meteorologists say no, however new evidence was discovered claiming that hexagonal clouds which create “air bombs” with up to 170 mph winds may to blame for the dozens of ship and airplane disappearances in the region. The mysterious 500,000km square region in the North Atlantic Ocean has been linked to the strange disappearances of approximately… Read More

The post Could The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Finally Be Solved? appeared first on Weird But True News.

What Really Goes On At Area 51?

(PCM) One of the biggest conspiracy theories out there is just what happens at Area 51, the governments top secret military base located in a remote area of the Nevada desert. Area 51 is a United States Air Force facility and is a remote attachment to the more publicized Edwards Air Force base. Area 51… Read More

The post What Really Goes On At Area 51? appeared first on Weird But True News.