Grandmas Get High and Play Cards Against Humanity, Hilarity Ensues

Marijuana(PCM) If you’re in the need for a good wholesome laugh to usher in the beginning of the end of the week, look no further than Cut’s video of three sweet grandmothers all smoking marijuana for the first time and …

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Price Is Right Contestant Becomes A Viral Dance Sensation!


(PCM) Price Is Right contestant Eliot managed to pull off a feat during his recent appearance on The Price Is Right that few have been able to accomplish.

While spinning the famous wheel, Eliot landed on the $1.00 space not …

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Weird Al Yankovic Wants You to Learn Your Grammar in “Word Crimes”

(PCM) The king of song parodies has struck again with his latest single “Word Crimes,” a parody of Robin Thicke’s 2013 summer anthem “Blurred Lines.”

Weird Al debuted “Word Crimes” yesterday as the second of eight videos that he is releasing over eight days in promotion for his newly released album Mandatory Fun, the musician’s fourteenth studio album.

“Word Crimes” parodies Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” song and video, which you’re probably already very familiar with if you were alive and conscious during the summer of 2013.

“Blurred Lines” was inescapable; the song was on every radio station and music video channel, leading it to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 and on to become the longest running number one single of 2013 and the … Read More…

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