Mind-blowing Strawberry Optical Illusion Leaves Us Mystified

(PCM) We can all remember the debate over #TheDress and #TheFlipFlops that drove folks on the internet into knock down drag out arguments over just what color these items happened to appear. The internet has once again graced us with yet another optical illusion thanks to Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a psychology professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto,…

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January 20 Is National Cheese Lovers Day!

(PCM) Just thinking about today being National Cheese Lovers Day is already making me hungry!  It is about time there is a national holiday observation to give our beloved cheese the respect it finally deserves. Cheese is one of the most highly consumed and loved foods all over the world. There have been many rumors…

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The Baby Eating Statue of Bern

  (aMyth) Completed in 1546, the “Kindlifresserbrunnen” is a fountain in Bern, Switzerland. Translated, the name means “Fountain of the Eater of Little Children”. For nearly 500 years the fountain has been a reminder for the children of Bern to behave, in particular around Switzerland’s Fastnacht, or ”Night of Fasting” festival, during the week after… Read More

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Would You Believe Some People Really Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows?

(PCM) As hard as it is to believe, a recent study sadly reveals that an alarming number of individuals still believe that chocolate milk comes from actual brown cows. Seriously! One thousand Americans were surveyed by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy and the results were absolutely shocking, as they learned that 48% of the… Read More

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Ever Wonder Who Created The Infamous McDonald’s ‘I’m Lovin’ It’ Jingle? We Would Have Never Guessed!

(PCM) For many years it has been speculated with pop superstar Justin Timberlake was the artist behind the infamous and delightfully catchy McDonald’s advertising jingle “I’m Lovin’ It”, after all he is the one who sings that delicious ear worm. How can you hear “bada-ba-ba-ba, I’m lovin’ it” and not start craving a juicy hamburger… Read More

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Biblical Reasons for Appreciating Wine

Biblical reasons for appreciating wine Raise your glasses and wish for good health and happiness. Drinking wine has been a part of our celebrations like New Year’s Eve, Christmas parties, weddings. We include it even in the weekly dinner at restaurants. The custom of toasting was prevalent among the Greeks, as illustrated in the Odyssey,… Read More

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Mind-blowing Strawberry Optical Illusion Leaves Us Mystified

(PCM) We can all remember the debate over #TheDress and #TheFlipFlops that drove folks on the internet into knock down drag out arguments over just what color these items happened to appear. The internet has once again graced us with yet another optical illusion thanks to Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a psychology professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto,…

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Homemade Bread Day 11/17

Bake Bread/ Break Bread: November 17th is Homemade Bread Day (PCM) According to the interwebs, November 17th is Homemade Bread Day. It’s not clear why this day, in particular, has been set aside to celebrate home bread baking, but it might have something to do with Thanksgiving being just around the corner. All over the …

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Tips on How to Pair Wine with Herbs

What Wine Should You Pair With Herbs? Pairing wine with food has always been simple — red wine with red meat, white wine with lean meat. But, what if you stray from the norm? By pairing wine with the herbs you put in your food, you’re creating a whole new sensation of flavors to your […]

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