Man Tests Theory That A Piece Of Paper Cannot Be Folded More Than Seven Times

(PCM) A man has decided to experiment with the theory that a piece of paper cannot be folded more than seven times and even managed to incorporate the use of a hydraulic press. Using an A3 piece of regular paper, which is about 11 by 16 inches, the man folded the paper over a few…

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Will Anyone Ever Find Forrest Fenn’s Treasure?

(PCM) For years treasure hunters and thrill seeking enthusiasts have been on the quest to located a chest filled with treasures hidden by eccentric art collector Forrest Fenn somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Fenn has left several clues hidden within a poem that is supposed to lead seekers to the treasure chest and while many…

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Mind-blowing Strawberry Optical Illusion Leaves Us Mystified

(PCM) We can all remember the debate over #TheDress and #TheFlipFlops that drove folks on the internet into knock down drag out arguments over just what color these items happened to appear. The internet has once again graced us with yet another optical illusion thanks to Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a psychology professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto,…

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Woman Allegedly Captured a Ghost Photo While Visiting The Lizzie Borden House

(PCM) Painter Joanne Parent had quite the unnerving encounter while visit the infamous Lizzie Borden house bed & breakfast in Falls River, Massachusetts. It appears that while Parent was snapping photographs in the room that belonged to Abby Borden, she may have captured a bit more than she bargained for! When looking through her photographs…

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Dead Grandmother Appears In Ceremony Photo

(PCM) A lot of creepy occurrences take place each and every day and many people often take the time to share these strange and unusual stories via sites such as Reddit and more. Such is the paranormal case of Grandma Lori who sadly died before seeing her grandson graduate to become a priest. There are…

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50 Facts You Thought Were True, But Weren’t

50 Facts You Thought Were True, But Weren’t A lot of people have been taught misconceptions. How many of these facts did you believe to be true? When you pour from cartons with a screw on top on one end, like oil for your car or broth that comes in boxes, why do they splash…

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A Collection Of Some Strange And Unusual New Year’s Eve Traditions From Around The World

(PCM) As we gear up to ring in the New Year we got to thinking about some of the more strange and unusual customs and traditions for celebrating New Year’s Eve all over the world. Each country does something a little different. While some consist of traditional celebratory measures such as champagne toasting and making merry…

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Nostradamus Born on December 14, 1503

Michel de Nostredame (December 14 1503 – 2 July 1566) is usually Latinized to Nostradamus, was a French mystic who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his book Les Propheties (The Prophecies), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the publication of this book,…

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The Curious History Behind Krampus The Holiday Devil

(PCM) We all know the story behind the legend that is St. Nicholas a.k.a. Santa Claus who pays visits to well-behaved children all over the world rewarding them with gifts at Christmas. However did you know that according to Alpine folk-lore good ol’ St. Nick has a dark companion named Krampus, who travels around with…

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Collective Nouns – A Group of People, Animals and Things

A collective noun is a word that refers to a set or group of people, animals or things. Collective Nouns are also called Group Nouns and Group Names. A group of Albatross is called a Rookery. A group of Alligators is called a Congregation. A group of Angels are called a Host. A group of […]

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Visby Lenses Date Back 1,000 Years

(PCM) The Visby Lenses were found on the Swedish island province of Gotland What: Several lens-shaped pieces of quartz of varying size found in a Viking grave, dating back to the 10th century. Some are mounted in silver. Today, the lenses can be seen at Fornsal historical museum in Visby and the Swedish National Museum… Read More

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Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

(PCM) Stone Spheres of Isla de Caño, Costa Rica What: Over three hundred spheres of varying size (ranging from a few centimeters to 2 meters in diameter) scattered throughout the island. The largest weigh 30,000 pounds. Most are made of basalt (volcanic rock), but some are made of limestone or sandstone. They date back to… Read More

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