The Tribeca Film Festival 2024: They’re Here Bridges a Desire For Transcendence and The Extraterrestrial

Interview with Pacho Velez and Daniel Claridge The UFO and extraterrestrial being represent more than a conglomerate of fear and speculation, that usually results in an image of a circular metallic ship and a green specimen with abyss-black eyes. There is almost a universal longing to definitively confront something larger than us, occupying the very […]

Technology Fluke Leads To Only Pre-War Television Footage In Existence!

(PCM) A very strange occurrence took place in the year of 1938, when two RCA engineers in New York City managed to pick up a “televisor” signal from the BBC due to freak weather incident (one in which the conditions had to be just right) and this footage is said to be the only pre-war…

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Man Tests Theory That A Piece Of Paper Cannot Be Folded More Than Seven Times

(PCM) A man has decided to experiment with the theory that a piece of paper cannot be folded more than seven times and even managed to incorporate the use of a hydraulic press. Using an A3 piece of regular paper, which is about 11 by 16 inches, the man folded the paper over a few…

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Full Moon On Friday The 13th

Friggatriskaidekaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition in the United States today. Paraskevidekatriaphobics are people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. It is estimated that this affects between 17 and 21 million Americans. Some people won’t get out of bed; others won’t fly, buy a house…

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Don’t Forget About Daylight Savings Time

(PCM) Many of us moan and groan about Daylight Savings Time because for most of us, unless you live in Arizona or Hawaii, will be losing an hour of precious sleep. The clocks “spring ahead” one hour beginning this Sunday, 3/8 at 2:00am. The entire idea behind Daylight Savings time started as a way to…

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Rats No Longer Thought To Be Responsible For Bubonic Plague

(PCM) New research has now been uncovered that reveals that the fleas on black rats that were initially thought to have caused the bubonic plague many not necessarily be at fault. Instead, researchers have now uncovered information that leads them to believe that it may have been gerbils, not rats that are behind the wide-spread…

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Early Apollo Mission Reports Strange Music-Like Noises From The Far Side Of The Moon

(PCM) The popular Science Channel series “NASA’s Unexplained Files” has returned for a new season and provides us with a fascinating look the mysteries of space and the latest evidence for life beyond Earth. The series recently looked at some very early Apollo missions where astronauts reported hearing very strange music-like noises during their journey around to…

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Curious About What Humans Will Look Like 1,000 Years From Now?

(PCM) Human beings as a species are constantly evolving and with the continued growth of technology, it leads us to wonder just where human evolution will end up in the next 1,000 years or so. We have always heard the rumors that there will eventually be chips implanted under our skin for identification and different…

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The Mystery Behind The Shroud Of Turin

(PCM) The Shroud of Turin, which is a length of linen cloth that is said to mysteriously bear the image of man who many speculate as Jesus of Nazareth, has been an item that has created a huge debate among theologians and conspiracy theorists for years. The cloth is rumored to be the burial shroud…

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How Hurricanes Get Their Names And Why!

(PCM) Hurricanes have been a very dangerous and destructive weather phenomenon that have affected our planet for centuries. Most of them have been named by the World Meteorological Organization and the National Weather service to avoid confusion between storms and make the lines of communication a bit easier. By naming the storms meteorologists are able… Read More

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Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

(PCM) Stone Spheres of Isla de Caño, Costa Rica What: Over three hundred spheres of varying size (ranging from a few centimeters to 2 meters in diameter) scattered throughout the island. The largest weigh 30,000 pounds. Most are made of basalt (volcanic rock), but some are made of limestone or sandstone. They date back to… Read More

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Could The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle Finally Be Solved?

(PCM) Some meteorologists say no, however new evidence was discovered claiming that hexagonal clouds which create “air bombs” with up to 170 mph winds may to blame for the dozens of ship and airplane disappearances in the region. The mysterious 500,000km square region in the North Atlantic Ocean has been linked to the strange disappearances of approximately… Read More

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