200 Million Year Old Dinosaur Hatches At A Berlin Museum?

(PCM) This is definitely an interesting story and I am currently still trying to discover it’s validity, as I am only seeing it reported in few places thus far. I have checked it out on Snopes and it does not seem to be debunked yet. If this news it true, it will open new doors… Read More

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Why Did They Remove Lenin’s Brain?

(PCM) Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin, was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He is credited with creation of the Soviet Union and was a feared political figure until this death at the young age of 53 in January of 1924. Lenin’s cause of death was a series of strokes… Read More

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The ‘Meister Print’: Fact Or Fiction?

(PCM) In case you haven’t heard of it, the “Meister Print” is a fossilized sandal print that was discovered by a man named William J. Meister in 1968. It wasn’t only the sandal print that was so fascinating, but rather what was inside of the print that amazed historians. The right-sided sandal print contained a… Read More

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What Really Goes On At Area 51?

(PCM) One of the biggest conspiracy theories out there is just what happens at Area 51, the governments top secret military base located in a remote area of the Nevada desert. Area 51 is a United States Air Force facility and is a remote attachment to the more publicized Edwards Air Force base. Area 51… Read More

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Thomas Edison Was A Prankster

Thomas Edison: Prankster Thomas Edison is often recognized as one of America’s greatest inventors and businessmen. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. Those devices include the phonograph, the motion picture film camera, and most importantly the practical electric light bulb to only name… Read More

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Mysterious Superhenge Discovered At Famed Stonehenge Site

(PCM) England’s famed circle of bluestone columns known as Stonehenge has always been shrouded in mystery and now according to CNN, archaeologists have discovered that the mystery surrounding Stonehenge is even deeper than we imagined. The archaeologists have discovered what they believe to be traces of an even larger stone formation, which they are deeming… Read More

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Birthstones and Gemstones

A birthstone is a special gem dedicated to each month of the year, often due to beliefs that a stone’s mystical power is stronger during its month, or that the stone possesses a virtue that can be given only to those born that month. The concept of the birthstone has been a part of many… Read More

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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About M&Ms

(aMyth) What is it with M&Ms and the way we associate them with everything from health to sex drive? They are, after all, just a color-coated chocolate candy — or are they? The M&M began its dubious existence in 1940 and takes its name from the parent company Mars. The owners’ names were Forrest Mars… Read More

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The Mysterious Jack The Ripper Case May Finally Be Solved

(PCM) The mysterious case of the London serial killer Jack The Ripper, who terrorized the city in the 1800’s by both killing and mutilating prostitutes, may have finally been solved. It is all thanks to a 48 year old  business man named Russell Edwards, who calls himself an “arm chair detective” and claims that the… Read More

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A Search For Answers! What Really Happened In Roswell, New Mexico?

(PCM) A favorite topic among many conspiracy theorists is just what exactly occurred in the town of Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. The incident is one of the most widely speculated stories of government cover-up and to this very day, we still have very little information about what actually occurred. Could the government… Read More

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The Gruesome Story Of The Lindow Bog Bodies

(PCM) In 1983, the preserved head and other tissue fragments of a woman were discovered in a peat bog at Lindow Moss near Cheshire, England. The partially preserved body was discovered by commercial peat cutters Andy Mould and Stephen Dooley. They first noticed an unusual item on the conveyor belt, which was similar in shape and… Read More

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What Happens When We Lose 28,000 Rubber Duckies At Sea?

(PCM) Everyone knows that rubber duckies can make bath time lots of fun, you know because Sesame Street’s Ernie told us so, right? Well, bath time was far less fun for a lot of businesses who were expecting a shipment of rubber duckies, 28,000 of them to be exact, that went missing at sea back… Read More

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