The Tribeca Film Festival 2024: They’re Here Bridges a Desire For Transcendence and The Extraterrestrial

Interview with Pacho Velez and Daniel Claridge The UFO and extraterrestrial being represent more than a conglomerate of fear and speculation, that usually results in an image of a circular metallic ship and a green specimen with abyss-black eyes. There is almost a universal longing to definitively confront something larger than us, occupying the very […]

“Live Your Life” Inspirational Message Discovered On A 2,400 Year Old Mosaic In Turkey

Ancient Mosaic In Turkey ‘Says Live Your Life’ In the vibrant history of archaeological discoveries, few artifacts resonate as strikingly with contemporary audiences as the “skeletal mosaic” found in the southern province of Hatay, Turkey. Unearthed during excavation efforts near the ancient city of Antiocheia, this mosaic, dating back to the 3rd century B.C., provides…

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The Mysterious Disappearance Of Serial Killer Pedro Lopez

The Disappearance Of Serial Killer Pedro Lopez The Evasive Trail of Pedro Lopez: The Monster of the Andes Pedro Alonso Lopez, born on October 8, 1948, in Santa Isabel, Colombia, grew up in a tumultuous environment that likely shaped his grim future. One of thirteen children, Lopez’s early life was marked by poverty and hardship….

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Man Discovers A Ghostly Figure In Image Taken At Hotel That Inspired “The Shining”! We Are Not Surprised!

(PCM) A tourist from Houston, Texas named Henry Yau was taking photographs at the infamous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado when he was shocked to discover that his image of the staircase in the hotel lobby featured more than just the hotel decor. Yau captured what appears to be the ghostly apparition of a…

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Ghost Sighting Captured At Abandoned Military Base

(PCM) Whenever a new ghost sighting video is posted there is always a rather large debate over whether or not the footage is indeed legit or if has been tampered with in some way. We have to admit that many of these videos provide some pretty compelling evidence that supports the theory that the spirits…

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The Wineville Chicken Coop Murders And The Story Of Christine Collins

(PCM) We always love an odd crime story and this one certainly had enough people talking! Mother Christine Collins was committed to a psych ward in 1928 after her young son went missing. She was committed after the LAPD claimed they had “found” her son five months later, however Collins denied the boy the police…

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Harry Houdini Born March 24, 1874

Harry Houdini AKA Erik Weisz was born on March 24, 1874 in Budapest Hungary.  His parents were Mayer Samuel Weiss a rabbinical lawyer and Cecilia Sterner.  Erik was the fourth of seven children.  The family moved to the United States in 1878 and settled in Appleton Wisconsin where his father got work as a Rabbi….

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Griefcat Talks New Album and The Idiosyncratic Joy of Musical Comedy

After meeting at a DC-based variety show in 2015, Annie Nardolilli and Louisa Hall quickly realized they had a lot in common despite their drastically differing backgrounds. With the two working in high-stress level jobs, Louisa as a tech employee and Annie a now-former sheriff’s deputy, an amalgamation of frustration, mistreatment, and most importantly a […]

Some Fun Facts About St. Patrick’s Day

(PCM) Today is St. Patrick’s Day, so before donning the green clothing, drinking the green beer and chasing after a leprechauns pot of gold be sure to check out our list of some fun facts about the history of St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick’s Day falls on March 17th, which is the date of death…

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Man Tests Theory That A Piece Of Paper Cannot Be Folded More Than Seven Times

(PCM) A man has decided to experiment with the theory that a piece of paper cannot be folded more than seven times and even managed to incorporate the use of a hydraulic press. Using an A3 piece of regular paper, which is about 11 by 16 inches, the man folded the paper over a few…

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Everyone Is Freaking Out Over The Unexplained Haunted Door In Brazil

(PCM) Thanks to the power of Reddit a new video has surfaced which allegedly shows a door being forcefully slammed shut inside of a Brazilian morgue. While many have been debating the authenticity of the video others are swearing that it is the real deal. It is just a little odd that the timing is…

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Full Moon On Friday The 13th

Friggatriskaidekaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition in the United States today. Paraskevidekatriaphobics are people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. It is estimated that this affects between 17 and 21 million Americans. Some people won’t get out of bed; others won’t fly, buy a house…

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