“Live Your Life” Inspirational Message Discovered On A 2,400 Year Old Mosaic In Turkey

Ancient Mosaic In Turkey ‘Says Live Your Life’ In the vibrant history of archaeological discoveries, few artifacts resonate as strikingly with contemporary audiences as the “skeletal mosaic” found in the southern province of Hatay, Turkey. Unearthed during excavation efforts near the ancient city of Antiocheia, this mosaic, dating back to the 3rd century B.C., provides…

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Alien Eggs Or Art? Debate Has Been Debunked!

(PCM) A Brigham Young University student named Claire Lewis  sparked a huge debate among conspiracy theorists after her assignment art project was speculated to be eggs laid on a Utah lake by an alien creature. The curiosity about the mysterious objects sparked national attention and people even began filming videos of the mysterious objects which…

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The Most Stolen Piece Of Art Might Just Surprise You!

(PCM) It was very surprising for us to learn that Hubert and Jan van Eyck’s 12 panel Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (also known as the Ghent Altarpiece) is widely regarded as the most stolen art piece throughout history.  It was robbed by Napoleon, nearly burned by Calvinists, sought after by the Nazis and that is […]

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The Longer You Stare At This Image The Creepier It Becomes!

Photo credit: Jeff Lee Johnson (PCM) An artist by the name of Jeff Lee Johnson was recently commissioned to illustrate a rule book for a Fantasy Flight card game and one of his pieces titled “Blue Plate Special” is going viral due to all of it’s subtle nods to outright gore. Seriously … the more you… Read More

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Inspirational Message Discovered On A 2,400 Year Old Mosaic In Turkey

(PCM) We can all use some positive vibes in life every now and again, so take heed and follow the advice that is engraved upon the 2,400 year old ancient mosaic that was recently unearthed in Turkey which states “Be cheerful, live your life”! The centuries old “skeletal mosaic” was discovered during excavation works in the southern… Read More

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Inspirational Message Discovered On A 2,400 Year Old Mosaic In Turkey

(PCM) We can all use some positive vibes in life every now and again, so take heed and follow the advice that is engraved upon the 2,400 year old ancient mosaic that was recently unearthed in Turkey which states “Be cheerful, live your life”! The centuries old “skeletal mosaic” was discovered during excavation works in the southern… Read More

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Alien Eggs Or Art? Debate Has Been Debunked!

(PCM) A Brigham Young University student named Claire Lewis  sparked a huge debate among conspiracy theorists after her assignment art project was speculated to be eggs laid on a Utah lake by an alien creature. The curiosity about the mysterious objects sparked national attention and people even began filming videos of the mysterious objects which…

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Conspiracy Theorists Claim Ancient Greek Sculpture Depicts A Laptop Computer

(PCM) Conspiracy theorists are now claiming solid evidence of time travel, as they feel the ancient Greek sculpture, “Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant” depicts the female assistant holding a laptop computer with two USB ports. Historians are countering this claim by saying that this assistant is actually holding a wax tablet, however…

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First Day of Winter December 21

Winter means many things different people.  For some it is the best season of the year.  The thoughts of snow and cold, ice and winds bring smiles to many a face.  For others those same thoughts bring a feeling of melancholy.  The cold weather and the short days, as well as the snow and ice …

First Day of Winter December 21 Read More »

Celebrate Short Fiction – December 21st

(PCM) Does life imitate art? If the sales of fiction for our e-readers, smart phones and – oh yeah, books – tell us anything, it’s that it might be the other way around: life in the information age moves fast, and art (including literature) needs to keep up. In recent years, short fiction has become …

Celebrate Short Fiction – December 21st Read More »

‘The Hands Resist Him By Bill Stoneham: Haunted Painting Or Urban Legend?

(PCM) Many individuals feel that the 1972 painting “The Hands Resist Him” by artist Bill Stoneham carries a curse. Many strange occurrences are rumored to have taken place by those who have viewed the painting and even more so for those who have actually had the painting in their possession. Some say that these occurrences could …

‘The Hands Resist Him By Bill Stoneham: Haunted Painting Or Urban Legend? Read More »

The Most Stolen Piece Of Art Might Just Surprise You!

(PCM) It was very surprising for us to learn that Hubert and Jan van Eyck’s 12 panel Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (also known as the Ghent Altarpiece) is widely regarded as the most stolen art piece throughout history.  It was robbed by Napoleon, nearly burned by Calvinists, sought after by the Nazis and that is… Read More

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