Barbie is so Much More Than A Campy Film Wrapped in a Glittery, Glamorous Package

Review of Barbie  It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly the hype for the Barbie movie began considering the multiple promising attachments the film had secured, generating massive conversation even before the first teaser trailer dropped in late 2022.  The very idea of a live-action film depicting the various intricacies and complexities of the massive toy icon …

Barbie is so Much More Than A Campy Film Wrapped in a Glittery, Glamorous Package Read More »

America Loves Blondes And Bombs, AMC Gets It’s Best Week Ever In It’s 103 Year Existence

“Come on, Barbie, let’s go party ” is probably being sung by executives at AMC. The Barbie movie and Oppenheimer are breaking box office records. And one record that should be noted is that AMC has announced a new record with July 21-27 becoming the highest single-week admissions revenue record in the company’s 103-year history. Other …

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Oppenheimer is a stunning spectacle of filmmaking but you’ll probably need a rewatch to catch everything

Review of Oppenheimer  Despite their drastic contrasting tones, two of 2023’s Summer blockbusters in particular have dominated the collective consciousness of movie fans around the globe: Barbie and Oppenhemier. Dubbing July 21, the release date of the two films “Barbenhemier” day, fans flocked to the theater to catch both films on the same day resulting in …

Oppenheimer is a stunning spectacle of filmmaking but you’ll probably need a rewatch to catch everything Read More »