Inspired by Her Mother’s Dream, The Cabernet Club Blends Humor, Heart, and New Beginnings

When journalist Margie Zable Fisher’s mother was on her deathbed, she promised Rona S. Zable that she would do everything possible to publish her novel about empowered women and meaningful second acts. Not only were mother and daughter extremely close-knit, but they also shared a love of writing and were voracious readers of books. They had been on Rona’s […]

Friendship Cruise Returns to Miami After Wildly Successful Maiden Voyage

FRIENDSHIP CRUISE RETURNS TO MIAMI AFTER WILDLY SUCCESSFUL MAIDEN VOYAGE CARIBBEAN ADVENTURE, MUSIC, FUN, AND SUN ENJOYED BY 3000 FRIENDSHIPPERS VIEW PHOTOS GALLERY HERE   On Saturday, December 15, 2018 AMFAMFAMF presents FRIENDSHIP returned from its wildly successful maiden voyage which took place aboard the glamorous Celebrity Equinox and sailed from Miami to two private island beach parties in CocoCay, Bahamas. The four-day/four-night …

Friendship Cruise Returns to Miami After Wildly Successful Maiden Voyage first appeared on Game On Media.