How to Live Your Life for Today and Honor the Memory of Those We Have Loved and Lost

On the 13th anniversary of my husband Harry’s death, Saturday, March 8, I think about all of the time that has passed, all he has missed, and all I would love to tell him if I had the opportunity. If only he could come back for one day and I could tell him every delicious […]

New Year, New You 2025: Now Is the Perfect Time to Declutter Your Home

If walking around your bedroom, home office, or entire house gives you a claustrophobic feeling, it’s the right time to declutter your space. With the New Year, now is the perfect opportunity to make this happen with the help of Jill Goldman, the owner of, a full-service organizing service that helps clients purge, downsize, move, […]

How Mesa, Arizona Became a Model for Accessibility: Five Years as an Autism-Certified City

When Marc Garcia went on a family vacation with his son who is on the autism spectrum his sour and challenging experience turned into a sweet vow to ensure that Mesa would always be a safe and welcoming destination for neurodiverse travelers. True to his word, Garcia, the President and CEO of Visit Mesa, has been […]

Working Out Jokes at The Gym | Laugh Your Abs Off on Thursday, October 3 at the Maryland Athletic Club in Baltimore

An avid gym goer and Baltimore resident, Allan Sidley has recently established a new workout routine. Every two months he goes to his local health club, walks past the cardio area, ignores the Olympic weight room, and jumps onto the stage of a fitness studio to host and perform a live comedy show. Although a […]

A Pound of Prevention: Why Clearpath EPM is Helping Communities With Expert Safety Training Programs

Years ago, unrest or violence in a house of worship, business, or school was beyond our wildest imagination, but unfortunately, this is no longer the world we are living in, so preparedness and training are the keys to facing potential adversity.  At a time when many of us need the solace, comfort, refuge, and fellowship […]

Hats & Pearls Women Empowerment Summit on March 30 to Benefit “End Child Marriages’

“If you want to go fast, go alone, But, if you want to go far, go with others”                                            ‘African Proverb’ A simple act of kindness can change a girl’s life forever. Just ask Bongai Mhloyi, […]

Major Community Safety Event at Clearpath EPM on May 16

Why We Need to Attend An Important Safety Training Event on Thursday, May 16, in Oakland Park, Florida Years ago, unrest or violence in a house of worship, business, or school was beyond our wildest imagination, but unfortunately, this is no longer the world we are living in, so preparedness and training are the keys […]

How Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy Patient John Yoffee Discovered a Pain-Free Life

Data analyst John Yoffee, of Warrington, has had more than his share of pain and injuries over the years, starting with high school. When he was a high school sophomore he grew 10 inches in height and underwent physical therapy for pulled hamstrings, knee and quad issues, and a patella tendon. The reason was simple: he […]

Clearpath EPM Announces an Exciting Opportunity to Expand Upon Emergency Planning and Crisis Solutions

Clearpath EPM Helps Plan Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Solutions No one wants to think about running into danger in everyday places such as school, work, or a house of worship. The stark reality, however, is that ample time and thought must be delegated to these types of situations so that they don’t end in catastrophe.  […]

How Ivy Rehab PT Helped Teen Athlete Alyson Nemec Get Her Groove Back

Sixteen-year-old Alyson Nemec had just recovered from a wrist injury and was back out on the Lacrosse field. During a game, her left foot got stuck behind her and she fell on her right foot. She heard her knee pop and felt excruciating pain. She discovered that she had torn her patella ligament and had surgery …

How Ivy Rehab PT Helped Teen Athlete Alyson Nemec Get Her Groove Back Read More »

Clearpath EPM CEO Mike Johnson Discusses the Necessity of Safety Planning in Everyday Environments

No one should have to worry about existential threats as they enter their workplace, school, or place of worship. The unfortunate reality is, that due to the increase in mass shootings, hate crimes, and overall decline in mental health, frequent worrying has infused itself with daily navigations and activities of life. Though anxieties can be …

Clearpath EPM CEO Mike Johnson Discusses the Necessity of Safety Planning in Everyday Environments Read More »

Dr. Dawn Ella Shares the Fascinating Creation Process of The New Soul Link App

As we navigate daily stresses, an increasing awareness of the worldwide mental health crisis is rapidly emerging. This is why Dr. Dawn Ella, a complementary medical expert and healer, is taking a new approach to help implement a self-care routine into our everyday lives. Her revolutionary Soul Link App is specially designed to personalize activities …

Dr. Dawn Ella Shares the Fascinating Creation Process of The New Soul Link App Read More »