Seven Camping Hacks To Try On Your Next Trip

Seven Camping Hacks To Try On Your Next Trip While international travel is out of the picture due to the Covid-19 pandemic as many governments have put a pause on international travel, camping across the beautiful locations within your country could be an alternative to feed your travel enthusiasm. It’s evident that for the past […]

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5 Facts About Coronavirus All Dog Owners Should Know

5 Facts About Coronavirus All Dog Owners Should Know The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has left the world pondering over its adverse effects. We all are busy calculating the impending threat to lives and livestock. Most of the research work done so far concerned SARS CoV-2’s impact on the humans only, leaving the closest friend […]

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10 Effective Ways to Prevent Shin Splints

Preventing Shin Splints : 10 Effective Ways You Should Know Shin splints is the pain that you feel along the shin bone or the tibia, which is the largest bone on the front of the lower leg. You will feel the pain on the front side of the shin or the back of the shin.The […]

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4 Preventative Breast Cancer Conversations Young Women Should Have

According to research by Susan G. Komen, the median age of diagnosis of breast cancer for women in the U.S. is 62 years old. This is why many young women don’t think of this disease as something that they have to worry about until they are older. However, there are numerous conversations you can start […]

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Five Finger Death Punch’s Ivan Moody Debuts New Health And Wellness Company ‘Moody’s Medicinals’

Moody’s Medicinals specializing in both cannabidiol (“CBD”) and non-CBD health and wellness products launched its first trailblazing line of high-quality products in June 2019. Today, they announced that a new range of sugar-free AM and PM shots, as well as a new personal CBD diffuser pen that can be enjoyed in three new formulas are now available online […]

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How Using Medical Marijuana to Treat My Chronic Pain Totally Changed My Life

One Patient’s Story: “How Using Medical Marijuana to Treat My Chronic Pain Totally Changed My Life” For nearly a dozen years, Debbie Armstrong was taking large prescribed doses of opioids to deal with severe chronic back pain, but she hated the way she felt physically and emotionally and was worried about becoming addicted. While looking […]

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Wills vs Trusts Which Do You Need?

What Are Wills and Trusts and Which Do You Need? Everyone has heard the terms “wills” and “trusts,” but not everyone knows the differences between the two. Both are useful when planning your estate (such as for elder members of your family) that serve different purposes, and both can work together to create a complete […]

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Visionary Diana Liberto Walks to Transform Our Health & Wellness

Diana Liberto, a true visionary, has turned her family difficulties into an opportunity to transform the health and wellness of others around the nation.  An attorney and honors graduate of the Rutgers University School of Law, who clerked for a U.S. District Court Judge and joined the office of the General Counsel of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., […]

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What is Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa)?

What is Kratom? Kratom is a tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia, with leaves that contain compounds that can have psychotropic (mind-altering) effects. Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, with leaves that can have psychotropic effects. Kratom is not currently illegal and has been easy to order on the internet. Most people […]

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15 Must Haves In Your Essential Oil Collection

15 Must Haves In Your Essential Oil Collection If you’re reading this, chances are you already have quite an essential oil collection. Whether you always have a stash on hand in your bag next to your crystals for any stress or ache, or if you’re relatively new and bought some lavender oil on the suggestion […]

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