Kids Are Getting High Off Of Burt’s Bees Lip Balm


(PCM) While this latest internet rumor about substances teens will use to get high may end up getting debunked, the latest word is that teens are using Burt’s Bees lip balm on their eyelids to supposedly intensify a high.

Teens have nicknamed the newest trend “Beezin” and it is reportedly that the tingly feeling after placing the lip balm on their eye lids caused the users to feel good while they are drunk or high. We think it is a perfectly good waste of lip balm!

Some teens are claiming that it adds a little bit of extra something to their intoxication while others claim that it causes them to feel more alert.… Full Story

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Could Our Obsession With Selfies Lead To Mental Illness?


(PCM) It is no secret that nowadays selfies have become a very big pop culture trend and the snapping of a selfie photo is something that just about everyone has done at one time or another. However, now doctors and scientists are linking our obsession with selfies to more and more cases popping up of people suffering from narcissism and body image obsession.

With the up rising of social media, people are more compelled than ever before to take and post selfie images and receive near instantaneous feedback on those images as soon as they are posted online. This can have a positive or negative outcome depending on the person and their ability to take criticism on the negative side or how narcissistic they could become when given positive reinforcement.… Full Story

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A New Study Has Found That Left-Handed People Have Better Sex!


(PCM) In a recent study that was conducted with about 10,000 participants it was concluded that 86% of left-handed people reported that they were “extremely satisfied” when it came to their sex life. Only a mere 15% of right-handed people reported that they are “extremely satisfied”.

With the results of the study in mind, Swedish intimate lifestyle company LELO, had designed a new sex toy just for left-handed individuals. The new toy named “DEXTRUS” is designed to stimulate the right side of the brain, so while increasing sexual pleasure, it is claimed that the new toy can also make you smarter.… Full Story

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Eraser Challenge Game Has Students Harming Themselves

Eraser1(PCM) You have to wonder sometimes where teens even come up with the ideas for some of these crazy and dangerous games that they find appealing for some reason. The newest game that students in a Connecticut middle school are playing is called “Eraser Challenge” and it causing some concern among school administrators and parents.

The game involves teens “erasing” their skin while saying the alphabet and coming up with a word for each letter. Once the letter “Z” is reached they stop the game and compare injuries with their friends. (Yeah, sounds like a fun time to us…..NOT!)

A letter sent home with students at the Connecticut school, urged parents to speak with their children about the dangers of the game and claims that it is not just a few students who are playing, but more like dozens.… Full Story

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The Dangers Of Chinese Tilapia: True Or False?

tilapia2(PCM) It seems that every couple of months there is news stating that consuming tilapia that has been raised and farmed from China can pose some dangerous health risks. We wanted to take a deeper look and see what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to America’s favorite farmed fish.

One major rumor that is constantly circulating is that Chinese tilapia is raised on both chicken and pig feces. Unfortunately this rumor does appear to be true, as due to the increased demand for farmed fish and the cutthroat practices of competing farmers many tilapia farmers are forced to cut corners.  … Full Story

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A Look At The Dangers Of Meningitis On College Campuses

(PCM) There have been quite a few headlines recently about the deaths of college students related to an outbreak of meningitis on their college campuses. Recently, a Philadelphia student from Drexel University has died from the same strain of meningitis that was seen in a recent outbreak at Princeton University … Continue reading

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Walmart Beef Laced With LSD

(PCM) A family was hospitalized near Tampa, Fl after consuming a package of steaks that were purchased at local area Walmart store that were laced with the drug LSD. The authorities in Tampa are in the process now of attempting to figure out just how the steaks became laced with … Continue reading

The post Walmart Beef Laced With LSD also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Sponsored Video: How To #BeMoreTea With Lipton And The Muppets

Many, if not all, of us can get incredibly caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day life. There are plenty of times that we forget the need to slow down, chill out and take a few moments to appreciate the calmer moments in life. Much of … Continue reading

The post Sponsored Video: How To #BeMoreTea With Lipton And The Muppets also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

New California Law States Bartenders Must Wear Gloves…And They Hate It!

(PCM) Back in early January a new law passed in California that required all workers who handle ready-to-eat food wear gloves at all times. While the initial law received many complaints from the restaurant industry, it was certainly understandable why an individual that handle food that is going to directly … Continue reading

The post New California Law States Bartenders Must Wear Gloves…And They Hate It! also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

A New Study Claims That Sugar Is Eight Times More Addictive Than Cocaine

(PCM) Dr. Mark Hyman is the chairman for the Institute of Functional Medicine and he is making it his mission to advise people about the dangers involved in consuming a diet that is high in sugar. Dr. Hyman claims that overall we are becoming so dependent on food and beverages … Continue reading

The post A New Study Claims That Sugar Is Eight Times More Addictive Than Cocaine also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Is Sitting Around Killing Us?

 (PCM) It seems like every other day a new list of once accepted practices and products are now found to be detrimental to our health. Things we once thought were healthy, like artificial sweeteners due to their low calorie content, are now in the middle of nutrition and health debates … Continue reading

The post Is Sitting Around Killing Us? also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.

Voluntary Recall Alert For Some Hot Pockets Varieties

(PCM) Nestle Foods has issued a voluntary recall on Hot Pockets. The two specific varieties are Hot Pockets brand Philly Steak and Cheese in three different pack sizes and Hot Pockets brand Croissant Crust Philly Steak and Cheese, in the two pack box. The voluntary recall is limited to these two products, … Continue reading

The post Voluntary Recall Alert For Some Hot Pockets Varieties also appeared on PCM Lifestyle.