The Tribeca Film Festival 2024: They’re Here Bridges a Desire For Transcendence and The Extraterrestrial

Interview with Pacho Velez and Daniel Claridge The UFO and extraterrestrial being represent more than a conglomerate of fear and speculation, that usually results in an image of a circular metallic ship and a green specimen with abyss-black eyes. There is almost a universal longing to definitively confront something larger than us, occupying the very […]

The Tribeca Film Festival 2024: Julia Aks and Steve Pinder Entwine Comedy and Education With “Jane Austen’s Period Drama”

Interview with Julia Aks and Steve Pinder    Truly successful comedy provokes meaningful thought and conversation from audiences, providing laughs first, but ultimately saying something more profound underneath its jovial exterior. This is a clear throughline in “Jane Austen’s Period Drama,” a short film premiering at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival on June 7, written […]