Grocery Store Employee Fired For Hugging A Customer


(PCM) A Michigan grocery store employee named Fred Civis is claiming that he was fired from his job at Plumb’s Valu-Rite Foods for simply giving a customer a hug.

Civis is currently facing charges for the incident and it is certainly stirring up quite a bit of controversy and national attention to the small community of Whitehall.

In his defense, Civis claims that greeting customers with a hug was nothing more than the friendly way he welcomed them to the store throughout his 39 years as an employee.

It appears that one customer wasn’t feeling the love and their complaint is what allegedly led to Civis’ termination and criminal charges.… Full Story

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Delaware Obituary Begins With ‘Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead’


(PCM) It seem that our little state of Delaware is always making headlines with these crazy obituaries that have been popping up lately.

This is just the case with the obituary for 70-year old Joanna Scarpitti, which opened with the famous Wizard Of Oz catch-phrase “Ding dong the witch is dead”. However, before everyone gets their panties in a bunch about a “disrespectful” or “mean-spirited” remembrance, there is actually a really good reason behind the family’s use of the quote.

Prior to her death, Scarpetti made her youngest daughter promise that when she passed away she would have that particular phrase printed with her obituary, as the two shared a a love of The Wizard Of Oz and a great sense of humor.… Full Story

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Why Don’t You Look More Like Your Mother?

KittBy Kitt Shapiro

A woman came up to me at a recent event and asked me that very question. Why don’t I look like my mother? Wow. Is that just another way of saying, ‘why is your skin color so much lighter?’ or ‘how is it you have blond hair?’.

My parents told me that when I was born, people came to the nursery in the hospital and would get into arguments when they saw that Eartha Kitt’s baby was a pudgy, white, girl.

Now, I’m not looking to start a debate about genetics. I’m far from an expert, and really, who cares.… Full Story

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Red Lobster Surprises A Widow On Her Wedding Anniversary

(PCM) For 31-years a woman and her husband would celebrate their wedding anniversary with a meal at Red Lobster, however sadly this year was a bit different, but ended with a touching surprise.

Tragically, the woman’s husband passed away in March of this year and in order to help keep the tradition alive, the woman’s daughter volunteered to take her mother to dinner to celebrate the anniversary.

When the waitress asked if the family was celebrating anything special, the woman’s daughter explained the tradition and then they continued on with their meal. The surprise comes when they received the check to pay for their meal and instead received the following note:


“We are sorry to hear about your husband’s passing, but we appreciate your loyalty in spending 31 years of your anniversary with us. For your appreciation, your meal is on us!Full Story

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Little Girl Scarred From A Pit Bull Attack Asked To Leave Restaurant


(PCM) Young Victoria Wilcher is a survivor. At just three-years old she was viciously attacked by three pit bulls while at her grandfather’s home back in April. The incident left little Victoria with several facial scars and the right side of her face completely paralyzed. In some absolutely heartbreaking news, it has come to light that Victoria and her grandmother were recently asked to leave a Mississippi area KFC restaurant because they were told her scars scared the other customers.

Victoria’s family posted their story on social media in attempt to bring attention to the unfair treatment the family received at the restaurant and it is now gaining national attention.… Full Story

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Waffle House Denies Waitress $1,000 Tip, Tipper Comes To Rescue


(PCM) A waitress that works in a North Carolina area Waffle House recently received an incredibly large tip from a customer this past Mother’s Day, however it was against Waffle House’s policy to allow her to keep it.

The waitress claims she was talking with the customer while serving him over the holiday and mentioned the fact that she was a single parent with three children, attending school and basically just trying to make ends meet like everyone else. The customer than told the waitress “I’m going to bless you tonight”.

After the customer paid his bill, the waitress then noticed that she had been left with a $1,500.00 tip.… Full Story

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Oldest Living Man Alexander Imich Dies At Age 111


(PCM) The recently declared oldest living man in the world, Alexander Imich, passed away at the age of 111 in New York this past Sunday. He received the title of oldest living man in the world back on April 24th after Arturo Licata of Italy passed away about a week before his 112th birthday.

The website, recently did a profile feature on Imich, who says that he witnessed such a great amount over the years of his life including the development of flight, the creation and popularity of the automobile, the inventions of electricity and the telephone, advances in the fields of science and medicine, and the birth of both radio and television.… Full Story

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New York Giants player Justin Pugh’s Mom Found the Recipe for Success

Justin-Pugh-mom1(PCM) One sure-fire recipe for success is to have an ample supply of caring and supportive mothers – just ask New York Giants starting offensive tackle, Justin Pugh.

In fact, his mom and the mom of his best friend since first grade, Jake Lerner, have provided those perfect ingredients. And that helped Justin and Jake, find just the right nourishment to make their lofty dreams come true.

“My dream has always been to play in the NFL,” says the 23-year-old Pugh. “So I tell every child who looks to me as a role model, to follow his or her dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.… Full Story

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Homeless Lottery Ticket Man Receives A New Home And Savings Account


(PCM) If you recall a few months ago, we brought you the story about the homeless man named Eric who was pranked by magician and known prankster Rahat with a winning lottery ticket worth $1,000. (See story and video here)

Rahat wanted to give the homeless man a shot at a better life, so he gave him the fake lottery ticket and then set it up ahead of time with the cashier to give Eric the $1,000 “winnings”.  Eric had the most beautiful and unexpected reaction to the winning lottery ticket and he and the video were quickly a viral internet sensation.… Full Story

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Young Man Performs A Selfless Act To Help An Elderly Woman When Trapped In An Elevator


(PCM) A young man, Cesar Larios, turned himself into a human chair to assist an elderly woman after the two became trapped in an elevator for over half an hour.

When the elevator became stuck, Larios selflessly allowed the 79-year old elderly woman named Rita Young  to use his back as a chair so that she was able to stay off her feet. He promised the woman that he was there and that he was going to take care of her, so she would not be afraid. Larios claims he “felt like it was the right thing to do”. An image that was snapped that shows the elderly woman sitting on Larios back has since gone viral.… Full Story

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The White House Makes a Stand Against Sexual Assault in New PSA

(PCM) The White House has released a new PSA against sexual assault as part of the 1 is 2 Many campaign yesterday as part of a much needed effort to combat sexual assault in the United States.

The PSA features Vice President Joe oneis2many_list_1Biden, President Barack Obama, Daniel Craig, Seth Meyers, Benicio Del Toro, Steve Carrell, and Dulé Hill standing up against sexual assault and making an appeal for accountability and responsibility to end sexual assault.

In the PSA, a call for action is made to the American public to stop sexual assault by saying something if you see something, respecting other’s boundaries, and knowing that sexual assault takes place when when consent is not given, and it’s a crime.… Full Story

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Loving Mom Teaches Acceptance during Autism Awareness Month


When Kristin Arniotis’ son, Billy, who has autism, was four years old she was sitting at home one day thinking about his “quirky” behaviors and started to write them down.

Unlike many other observers of her son’s behaviors — looking at objects closely with his eyes and memorizing tons of facts – his loving mother saw the positive side to autism — a neurological and developmental disorder than can affect speech, socialization and various behaviors.

Instead of trying to change her son, Kristin saw the potential of what his behaviors could be. From these observations, a small yellow paperback book with a big heart was born.… Full Story

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